The only similar thread I found on this is Gif Frame Duration Seems Slower Than Expected which somewhat captured my problem, but the 'solution' doesn't work.
My problem is that I am using Pillow to convert PNGs to GIF with the following code:
frames = ["_bg0.png"),"_bg1.png"),"_bg2.png"),"_bg3.png")]
frames[0].save('_test.gif', format='GIF',
disposal = 2,
duration=4, loop=0, transparency=0)
I want the duration to be 4ms, however the output looks much slower than this. Here is an example (top is Pillow, bottom is EzGif, same delay specified).
I saw it has something to do with the frame rate, however everything I tried in the linked thread didn't work (particularly setting a value slightly above 1). I've tried setting it to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and many values in between.
How do I fix this? I want to be able to do this conversion in Python.
As mentioned in the comments, I set mine to 20 ms (I had tried 2/100 ms rather than 2/100 s which caused the issue described earlier).
This has fixed the problem, and indeed there was already a 'speed cap' when using EzGif I just didn't realise.