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How to debug why my chatrooms are not appearing in React-Bootstrap?

I really have tried every solution I can think of and the code seems to be fine. It is giving me no errors or signs of issues.

Objective - To display all the available chat rooms

Problem - Chat rooms are not appearing and in the source code the <GroupList> div is empty so no data is passing in..

Here's my code

import React from 'react';
import { ListGroup } from 'react-bootstrap';

function Sidebar() {
    const rooms = ["1st Room", "2nd Room"];
  return (
        <h2>Available Chat Rooms</h2>
        <ListGroup >
        {, idx) => {
                <ListGroup.Item key={idx}>
export default Sidebar
const rooms = ["1st Room", "2nd Room"]; IS NOT PASSING INTO THE GROUP LIST. 

I have also tried the following code aswell

import React from 'react';
import { ListGroup } from 'react-bootstrap';

function Sidebar() {
    const rooms = ["1st Room", "2nd Room"];
  return (
        <h2>Available Chat Rooms</h2>
        {, idx) => {
                    <ListGroup key={idx}>
                <ListGroup.Item >
export default Sidebar

Both deliver no errors so I don't know where to start or what to be looking for. I have read the React-Bootstrap docs and to no avail.


  • when you use "{}" add a "return" inside of it. when you use "()" just put directly the element.

    Example of using "()"

    {,idx)=> (
          <ListGroup.Item key={idx}>

    Example of using "{}"

    {,idx)=> {
      return (
              <ListGroup.Item key={idx}>