I'm currently using python 3.9 and trying to clear the selection after clicking to a blank space
It looks something like this.
This is my code:
fileTreeView = ttk.Treeview(m, name='fileTreeView')
fileTreeView['columns']=('name', 'datem', 'type', 'size', 'blankspace')
fileTreeView.column('#0', width=0, stretch=NO)
fileTreeView.column('name', width=60)
fileTreeView.column('datem', width=60)
fileTreeView.column('type', width=60)
fileTreeView.column('size', width=60)
fileTreeView.column('blankspace', width=60)
fileTreeView.heading('name', text='Name')
fileTreeView.heading('datem', text='Date modified')
fileTreeView.heading('type', text='Type')
fileTreeView.heading('size', text='Size')
fileTreeView.heading('blankspace', text="")
I want when the blankspace column is clicked, it will clear the selection.
Thanks in advance!
You can find the column being clicked inside the callback of <Button-1>
event, if it is blankspace
then clear the selection:
def on_clicked(event):
# get the column index being clicked
col = fileTreeView.identify_column(event.x)
# get the column name of the clicked column
name = fileTreeView.column(col, 'id')
if name == 'blankspace':
# clear the selection
# disable default mouse click handler
return 'break'
fileTreeView.bind('<Button-1>', on_clicked)