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Configuration Error in Cassandra Kerberos Authentication with Java

I am trying to connect to Cassandra cluster through Kerberos ticket cache with following set of configs -

java -Dcassaandra.ip.address=<IPaddress> \ \ \ \ -jar test-kerberos.jar

kerb-client.conf: CassandraJavaClient { required useTicketCache=true ticketCache=cacheFile principal="[email protected]"; };

I am getting following error -

Unexpected error during transport initialization (java.lang.SecurityException: Configuration Error:
        Line 3: expected [option value])
        at com.datastax.driver.core.Connection$2.apply(
        at com.datastax.driver.core.Connection$2.apply(

It seems like that there is some config missing but i am unable to identify the root cause. Please advise on the corrective steps.


  • The Java driver needs to have a custom authenticator configured in order to authenticate using Kerberos.

    Instaclustr has an open-source Kerberos authenticator for Cassandra that works with the Java driver. Details and code are available here:
