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Is there a proper way to handle cursors returned from a postgresql function in psycopg?

I'm trying to make friends with postgresql (14.0 build 1914 64-bit on windows), psycopg2 (2.9.1 installed using pip) and python 3.8.10 on windows.

I have created a postgresql function in a database that returns a cursor, somthing like below

CREATE get_rows 
RETURNS refcursor
    res1 refcursor;
    OPEN res1 FOR
        SELECT some_field, and_another_field FROM some_table;

    RETURN res1;

The function can be run from pgAdmin4 Quert tool SELECT get_rows(); and will then return a cursor like "<unnamed portal 1>"

Still within query tool in pgAdmin4 I can issue:

SELECT get_rows();
FETCH ALL IN "<unnamed portal 2>"; -- Adjust counter number

And this will get me the rows returned by the cursor.

Now I want to replicate this using psycopg instead of pgAdmin4

I have the below code

conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='" + db_name + "' "\
                                "user='" + db_user + "' " +\
                                "host='" + db_host + "' "+\
                                "password='" + db_passwd + "'")
cursor = conn.cursor()
print("cursor.description: ", end = '')
for record in cursor:
    print("record: ", end = '')
    print (record)

The above code only gives the cursor string name (as returned by the postgresql function 'get_rows') in the single record of the cursor created by psycopg.

How can I get a cursor-class object from psycopg that provides access the cursor returned by 'get_rows'? says is read-only and I dont see an obvious way to connect the cursor from 'get_rows' with a psycopg cursor-instance


  • The cursor link you show refers to the Python DB API cursor not the Postgres one. There is an example of how to do what you want here Server side cursor in section:

    Note It is also possible to use a named cursor to consume a cursor created in some other way than using the DECLARE executed by execute(). For example, you may have a PL/pgSQL function returning a cursor:

    CREATE FUNCTION reffunc(refcursor) RETURNS refcursor AS $$
        OPEN $1 FOR SELECT col FROM test;
        RETURN $1;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    You can read the cursor content by calling the function with a regular, non-named, Psycopg cursor:

    cur1 = conn.cursor()
    cur1.callproc('reffunc', ['curname'])
    and then use a named cursor in the same transaction to “steal the cursor”:
    cur2 = conn.cursor('curname')
    for record in cur2:     # or cur2.fetchone, fetchmany...
        # do something with record


    Be sure and close the named cursor(cur2) to release the server side cursor. So:
