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how to create Dictionary for excel in c#

I have excel like this :

ProductID SomeExplanation AnotherColumn1 AnotherColumn2 AnotherColumn3
1 X 6 A 65465
2 Y 5 B 6556
3 Z 7 C 65465

I want to create Dictionary that key values(which are ProductID, SomeExplanation,AnotherColumn1,AnotherColumn2, AnotherColumn3) and this dictionary must have List of values (for example dictionary key : ProductId and it's values : 1,2,3 etc..) and I think there must be List that containes all dictionaries.

I am using aspose library for excel and .net framework 4.5 .

Aspose returning the it's cell values as an object.

So my first question how can create List of dictionaries, and these dictionaries must have list of values (List<Dictionary<key,List of values>>) and how to add values to this List of dictionary ?

My second question with that : how can I fill this list of dictionaries with aspose worksheet ?


  • This is method that accept Aspose Worksheet as a parameter this worksheet parameter can be one of the excel files' worksheet.

    I want to iterate through all cell and assign values to dictionary, and this values belong to its header(0 row and columnOrder)

    For example: there is a list called myExcelContainer and this list is a series of Excel columns and also this columns is an dictionary that contains key of value (Excel header - for example ProductId) and the values [1, 2, 3] under the Excel header.

     public List<Dictionary<string, List<object>>> GenerateExcelDictionary(Worksheet worksheet)
                var columnMax = worksheet.Cells.MaxDataColumn;
                var rowMax = worksheet.Cells.MaxDataRow;
                var myExcelContainer = new List<Dictionary<string, List<object>>>();
                var columnKeyWithValues = new Dictionary<string, List<object>>();
                for (int column = 0; column < columnMax; column++)
                    var columnName = worksheet.Cells[0, column].Value.ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                    columnKeyWithValues.Add(columnName, new List<object>());
                for (int column = 0; column < columnMax; column++)
                    var values = new List<object>();
                    for (int row = 1;row < rowMax;row++)
                        values.Add(worksheet.Cells[row, column]);
                    columnKeyWithValues[worksheet.Cells[0, column].Value.ToString()] = values;
                return myExcelContainer;

    this is the excel container :

    var myExcelContainer = new List<Dictionary<string, List<object>>>();

    But If you can improve the algortihm performance I want you to share, please.

    My english not great :) .