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string editing on specific request split.upper/.lower

I'm trying to figure out how to edit the below to have a option to convert lower/upper(abc = ABC) I'd like to have a specific input that it knows to convert to the other. so input might be "convert_upper" the program now knows I want to convert the next input "abc" into " 'A', 'B', 'C' "

I've made it pretty far into this endeavor through forums but figuring out how to get the input1 to take a "special request" and do upper/lower based on that input has thrown me for loop Also I was curious how I can create the list. (a 2nd input that confirms the name for the list something like . . . )

example in/output^

input1 = numbers
 numbers = [] 
input2 = 123
numbers = ['1', '2', '3']

current code takes input such as "abc 123 !@#" and outputs a list ['a', 'b', 'c', ' ', '1', '2', '3', ' ', '!', '@', '#']

def split(word):
    return list(input1)
input1 = input("enter Letters, Numbers or Symbols: ")


  • Here's one approach: have a function that you apply to the input, and check for "special requests" to change it:

    special_requests = {
        "convert_upper": str.upper,
        "convert_lower": str.lower,
        "vanilla": str
    func = str
    while True:
        i = input("? ")
        if i in special_requests:
            func = special_requests[i]
    ? abc123
    ? convert_upper
    ? abc123