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How to set 2 routes point to the same controller in ASP.NET MVC 5

I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 web site which has a controller MyFirstController.

That way, I can load the index view by using

On the other hand, I have another view that renders the link (HREF attribute of HTML A tag) this way:

Url.Action("Index", "MyFirst")

That URL rendering causes the link to be generated: 

So far, so good. Now, I need to have a route something like this

That URL should load the same Index view of MyFirst controller without creating a new controller named MySecondController. This is like having a MyFirst controller alias named MySecond.

In RouteConfig.cs file I added this:

routes.MapRoute(name: "MySecond",
                url: "MySecond/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new { controller = "MyFirst", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

The problem I have with this code is that I have this rendering code in the other view:

@if (somecondition)
    ... Url.Action("Index", "MyFirst") ...
    ... Url.Action("Index", "MySecond") ...

I need that if somecondition is true, the rendered URL to be and if it is false, the rendered URL to be

The problem I am having is that both are being rendered as

How can I accomplish this task?


  • Instead of using Url.Action, use Url.Route as it allows to explictly pass the name of the route to apply for rendering the url.

    To render the /MySecond url, pass the name of the MySecond route.


    Do the same to render the /MyFirst url, but since it doesn't have an explicit route name, you'll have to pass both the name of the default route and the name of the MyFirst controller.

    @Url.RouteUrl("Default", new { Controller = "MyFirst" })

    You can omit the name of the Index action, as it has been set up as the default one.