I read all the similar topics in here and still can't tell what's wrong...
The v-model in not making the data reactive.
I’m using vue@3.2.31 with Chromium browser version 88 on Linux and I have the following code:
< input min=“1” id=“run-times” v-model.number=“runTimes”/>
data() { return { runTimes: 1, }; },
The strange thing is that only on this browser, the v-model is not updating the initial value of runTimes. It is not only on this part of code but on all codes where I use v-model. On all other browsers everything is working correctly tested it with Windows, MacOS and Android.
Have anyone had any issues with the update with v-model?
Thanks in advance
It turns out, that there is a virtual keyboard extension, which does not fire the correct events in order the reactivity to work.
I'm still trying to see a solution without reworking the code, but in the end, it could be done getting the value from the element itself when you want to use it.