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Vapor - fluent, save object to PostgreSQL

Could someone give me example please, how to save Object to DB? For example, I am using a GET request which triggers the HTML parser and returns user a model. How I can save that model to my DB?

func parseHTML() -> ModelObject{

app.get("getData") { req -> [ModelObject] in
    let controller = TestController()
    let data = controller.parseHTML()
    //Save data to DB
    return data


  • The standard way of doing this is to add these lines to create the record in the database:

    app.get("getData") { req -> [ModelObject] in
        let controller = TestController()
        let data = controller.parseHTML()
        // update fields in the controller instances with values from your decoded form
        controller.field = data.field
        return controller.create(on: database).flatMap { _ in
            //return controller
            return data

    createreturns a future Void, but the instance of the model in controller has been updated to include the primary key (assuming it is auto-generated) so you can just return this, although I have left your original return of the decoded form data.