We're updating our azure virtual machine task extension with disk management. A multiline field to let user provide label, letter and size of their data disks with newline and semicolons to separate items and disks. Like this :
"Database Disk";F;30
"Temp Database Disk";G;30
"Logs Database";H;15E
Here is task.json :
"name": "NewDataDisks",
"type": "multiLine",
"label": "Data Disks",
"required": false,
"groupName": "Disks",
"visibleRule": "AddDataDisk = true",
"defaultValue": "\"Database Disk\";F;30\n\"Temp Database Disk\";G;30\n\"Logs Database\";H;15",
"helpMarkDown": "Provide list of data disks with disk label, mount letters and disk capacity separated by a semicolon :\n\n \"Database Disk\";F;30\n\"Temp Database Disk\";G;30\n\"Logs Database\";H;15 \n\n Each virtual machine size has a max of data disks attached which can't be check in here. During release execution, a check will be done.",
"validation": {
"expression": "isMatch(value, '(^\"[a-z A-Z]+\";[a-zA-Z]{1};([1-9]+[0-9]+|[1-9]+)$)','Multiline')",
"message": "[Enter a valid datadisks list](https://regex101.com/r/WeDgsJ/1)"
Problem is validation will pass if at least one line is matching. But I'd like a full match for every line but I struggle finding how with regex. Any help will be appreciated.
You can remove the 'Multiline'
option (since you need to treat the string as a whole text, not as a line-per-line text) and use
'^"[a-z A-Z]+";[a-zA-Z];[1-9][0-9]*(?:\r?\n"[a-z A-Z]+";[a-zA-Z];[1-9][0-9]*)*$'
- start of string"
- a "
char[a-z A-Z]+
- one or more ASCII letters or space";
- ";
- an ASCII letter;
- a semi-colon[1-9][0-9]*
- a non-zero digit and then zero or more digits(?:
- start of a non-capturing "container" group:
- CRLF or LF line ending"[a-z A-Z]+";[a-zA-Z];[1-9][0-9]*
- same patterns as above)*
- end of the group, repeat zero or more times$
- end of string.