I would like to eliminate any trace of "pack" from the code and use only "place", in order to position the scrollbar near the listbox and stretch it along the entire height of the listbox. Previously it worked, then the code was modified with pack.
Now I want to remove all packs and use only place
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText
window = tk.Tk()
frame_title = tk.Frame(window)
frame_title.pack(fill='both', expand=True, pady=5, padx=5)
listbox_title = tk.Listbox(frame_title, selectbackground="#960000", selectforeground="white", bg="white", width = 50, height = 20)
listbox_title.place(x=1, y=1)
listbox_title.configure(font=("Arial", 12))
scrollbar_title = tk.Scrollbar(frame_title)
scrollbar_title.place(x=500, y=1)
scrollbar_title['command'] = listbox_title.yview
text_download = ScrolledText(window, bg="white", width = 50, height = 10)
text_download.place(x=1, y=500)
text_download.configure(font=("Arial", 14))
You could bind the scroll bar to the listbox or text widget directly then it will dynamically change when you change the size of the parent widget as well.
scroll_bar = tk.Scrollbar(frame_title)
## For Verticle Scrollbar ##
scroll_bar.place(in_=listbox_title, relx=1.0, relheight=1.0, bordermode="outside")
## For Horzontal Scrollbar ##
scroll_bar.place(in_=listbox_title, relx=0.0, rely=1.0, relwidth=1.0, bordermode="outside")
You can then place the listbox as normal.
Update code:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText
window = tk.Tk()
frame_title = tk.Frame(window)
frame_title.pack(fill='both', expand=True, pady=5, padx=5)
listbox_title = tk.Listbox(frame_title, selectbackground="#960000", selectforeground="white", bg="white", width = 50, height = 20)
listbox_title.place(x=1, y=1)
listbox_title.configure(font=("Arial", 12))
## Vertical Scroll Bar ##
scrollbar_title = tk.Scrollbar(frame_title, command=listbox_title.yview, orient="vertical")
scrollbar_title.place(in_=listbox_title, relx=1.0, relheight=1.0, bordermode="outside")
text_download = ScrolledText(window, bg="white", width = 50, height = 10)
text_download.place(x=1, y=500)
text_download.configure(font=("Arial", 14))