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Pydantic validations for extra fields that not defined in schema

I am using pydantic for schema validations and I would like to throw an error when any extra field that isn't defined is added to a schema.

from typing import Literal, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError

class Cat(BaseModel):
    pet_type: Literal['cat']
    meows: int

class Dog(BaseModel):
    pet_type: Literal['dog']
    barks: float

class Lizard(BaseModel):
    pet_type: Literal['reptile', 'lizard']
    scales: bool

class Model(BaseModel):
    pet: Union[Cat, Dog, Lizard] = Field(..., discriminator='pet_type')
    n: int

print(Model(pet={'pet_type': 'dog', 'barks': 3.14, 'eats': 'biscuit'}, n=1))
""" try:
    Model(pet={'pet_type': 'dog'}, n=1)
except ValidationError as e:
    print(e) """

In the above code, I have added the eats field which is not defined. The pydantic validations are applied and the extra values that I defined are removed in response. I want to throw an error saying eats is not allowed for Dog or something like that. Is there any way to achieve that?

And is there any chance that we can provide the input directly instead of the pet object?
print(Model({'pet_type': 'dog', 'barks': 3.14, 'eats': 'biscuit', n=1})). I tried without descriminator but those specific validations are missing related to pet_type. Can someone guide me how to achieve either one of that?


  • Pydantic v2

    You can use the extra field in the model_config class attribute to forbid extra attributes during model initialisation (by default, additional attributes will be ignored).

    For example:

    from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
    class Pet(BaseModel):
        model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
        name: str
    data = {
        "name": "some name",
        "some_extra_field": "some value",
    my_pet = Pet.model_validate(data)   # <- effectively the same as Pet(**pet_data)

    will raise a ValidationError:

    ValidationError: 1 validation error for Pet
      Extra inputs are not permitted [type=extra_forbidden, input_value='some value', input_type=str]
        For further information visit

    Works as well when the model is "nested", e.g.:

    class PetModel(BaseModel):
        my_pet: Pet
        n: int
    pet_data = {
        "my_pet": {"name": "Some Name", "invalid_field": "some value"},
        "n": 5,
    pet_model = PetModel.model_validate(pet_data)
    # Effectively the same as
    # pet_model = PetModel(my_pet={"name": "Some Name", "invalid_field": "some value"}, n=5)

    will raise:

    ValidationError: 1 validation error for PetModel
      Extra inputs are not permitted [type=extra_forbidden, input_value='some value', input_type=str]
        For further information visit

    NB: As you can see, extra has the type ExtraValues now, and its value will get validated by ConfigDict. This means it's not possible to accidentally provide an unsupported value for extra (e.g. having a typo), i.e. something like ConfigDict(extra="fordib") will fail with a SchemaError.

    Pydantic v1

    You can use the extra field in the Config class to forbid extra attributes during model initialisation (by default, additional attributes will be ignored).

    For example:

    from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra
    class Pet(BaseModel):
        name: str
        class Config:
            extra = Extra.forbid
    data = {
        "name": "some name",
        "some_extra_field": "some value",
    my_pet = Pet.parse_obj(data)   # <- effectively the same as Pet(**pet_data)

    will raise a VaidationError:

    ValidationError: 1 validation error for Pet
      extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra)

    Works as well when the model is "nested", e.g.:

    class PetModel(BaseModel):
        my_pet: Pet
        n: int
    pet_data = {
        "my_pet": {"name": "Some Name", "invalid_field": "some value"},
        "n": 5,
    pet_model = PetModel.parse_obj(pet_data)
    # Effectively the same as
    # pet_model = PetModel(my_pet={"name": "Some Name", "invalid_field": "some value"}, n=5)

    will raise:

    ValidationError: 1 validation error for PetModel
    my_pet -> invalid_field
      extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra)