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Azure permission missing Microsoft.Web/sites/host/properties/read

I am trying to add the following permission to an Azure role due to an error I am seeing in the logs - Microsoft.Web/sites/host/properties/read. However, I cant find this permission to apply when I edit the role definition. Any idea?


  • Glad JakeUT that you resolved the issue using the */read permission.

    As per this Microsoft Documentation), hat permission _Microsoft.web/sites/host/properties/read_ is not found. After _Microsoft.web/sites/host/_ - listkeys/action, sync/action, listsyncstatus/action, functionkeys/write, functionkeys/delete, systemkeys/write and systemkeys/delete are available.

    And from this GitHub Article, it is said that:

    If the resource type is dynamic and the required permission is standard across all supported resource types (e.g. read, write), you can use relative permissions by replacing the resource type with "." or "{resourceType}". For instance, if checking read access on a website, you can check for "./read", which will be evaluated as "Microsoft.Web/sites/read". For a website deployment slot, this would be evaluated as "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/read".