I want to save this list in SharedPreferences with Boolean values:
val listTheme = mutableListOf( false,false,true,false)
how can this be done? in kotlin language in android studio
You can use the Kotlin Serialization library to store data structures (including classes and lists) as JSON strings - there are other libraries too. But for something simple like this, you can probably get away with doing it yourself:
val listTheme = mutableListOf(false, false, true, false)
// convert each value to a specific character (produces a string)
val serialized = listTheme.map { if (it) '1' else '0' }.joinToString("")
// convert each character to a true or false value (produces a list)
val deserialized = serialized.map { it == '1' }
print(" original: $listTheme\n serialized: $serialized\n deserialized: $deserialized")
>>> original: [false, false, true, false]
serialized: 0010
deserialized: [false, false, true, false]
Then you can just throw it in a String preference, and convert it back to a list when you fetch it later.