I am trying top use google chrome driver to automate some functions so to run it I am using this line:
driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
And it works correctly when I run but one I use Pyinstaller to convert the .py to .exe it gives me this error that points to the line above:
As I understood the main problem is because of the version of chrome driver, I am using the lateste version 100.+ but selenium supports only the version 92.+
Your issue is unlikely to be the Chrome Driver version. One way to check it is simply to run the full script and see if Chromedriver launched correctly or not.
In general, my approach to debugging the Pyinstaller error will be following.
1: Make sure Pyinstaller is not at the newest version (3.6 is my personal preference). I am not sure what is the issue with the newer Pyinstaller but it always gives me trouble when packaging executable.
2: If downgrading Pyinstaller not working, make sure the standalone script itself can run with no bug.
3: If the error persists, copy-paste the error msg to Google.