I have a list of CSV files in a google bucket organized like gs://bucket/some_dir/{partition_value}/filename
. I want to create a pyarrow.Dataset
from a list of URIs like this (which is a subset of files in some_dir
How do I do this and extract partition_value
as a column?
So far I have:
import gcsfs
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.csv
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
from pyarrow.fs import FSSpecHandler, PyFileSystem
fs = gcsfs.GCSFileSystem()
schema = pa.schema([("gene_id", pa.string()), ("raw_count", pa.float32()), ("scaled_estimate", pa.float32())])
# these data are publicly accessible, btw
uris = [
dataset = ds.FileSystemDataset.from_paths(
# partitions=["bucket", "file_gcs_id"],
# root_partition="gdc-tcga-phs000178-open",
this gives me a nice table with fields in my schema.
but, i'd like partition_key
to be another field in my dataset. i'm guessing i need:
i tried fiddling with root_partition
, but got an error that the string i provided isn't a pyarrow.Expression
(no idea what that is). also i tried specifying partitions
but i get ValueError: The number of files resulting from paths_or_selector must be equal to the number of partitions.
During dataset discovery filename information is used (along with a specified partitioning) to generate "guarantees" which are attached to fragments. For example, when we see the file foo/x=7/bar.parquet
and we are using "hive partitioning" we can attach the guarantee x == 7
. These guarantees are stored as "expressions" for various reasons we don't need to discuss at the moment.
Two solutions jump to mind. First, you could create the guarantees yourself and attach them to your paths (this is what the partitions
argument represents in the from_paths
method). The expression should be ds.field("column_name") == value
Second, you could allow the dataset discovery process to run as normal. This will generate all the fragments you need (and some you don't), with the guarantees already attached. Then you could trim down the list of fragments to your desired list of fragments and create a dataset from that.
(I'm guessing I need) to add this as a field to my schema
Yes. In both of the above approaches you will want to make sure your partitioning column(s) are added to your schema.
Here is a code example showing both approaches:
import shutil
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
import pyarrow.fs as fs
shutil.rmtree('my_dataset', ignore_errors=True)
table = pa.Table.from_pydict({
'x': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
'part': ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b']
ds.write_dataset(table, 'my_dataset', partitioning=['part'], format='parquet')
print('# Created by dataset factory')
partitioning = ds.partitioning(schema=pa.schema([pa.field('part', pa.string())]))
dataset = ds.dataset('my_dataset',partitioning=partitioning)
desired_paths = [
# Note that table.schema used below includes the partitioning
# column so we've added that to the schema.
print('# Created from paths')
filesystem = fs.LocalFileSystem()
dataset_from_paths = ds.FileSystemDataset.from_paths(
print('# Created from paths with explicit partition information')
dataset_from_paths = ds.FileSystemDataset.from_paths(
ds.field('part') == "a"
print('# Created from discovery then trimmed')
trimmed_fragments = [frag for frag in dataset.get_fragments() if frag.path in desired_paths]
trimmed_dataset = ds.FileSystemDataset(trimmed_fragments, dataset.schema, dataset.format, filesystem=dataset.filesystem)