I have a list of strings as below:
I hope to extract the unique subject id with the pattern 'sub-???_S_????' in the list.
So far I can do it with:
unique_subject = re.search('(.*)_sub-(.*)-ses(.*).txt', all_files[0]).group(2)
But that only works for a single string. I need to do it with a loop.
unique_subject = set()
for f in all_files:
unique_subject.add(re.search('(.*)_sub-(.*)-ses(.*).txt', f).group(2))
I am wondering if there are better ways to do this. Finally I would like to get the first session for each subject. Is there a fast way to do that?
Try using this:
l = re.findall('\d{3}_S_\d{4}', ''.join(all_files))