I have the following code:
.debounce(for: 2, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.sink { newValue in
self.myBoolean = false
...... (closure called every 2 seconds if I don't use `removeDuplicates()`)
.store(in: &subscribers)
I am using sink() on a @Published var in my observable object. Different parts of the app can set that boolean to true
. When that happens, I want the code in sink()
to run.
When that happens I want the code to reset myBoolean
to false. So, only when I know the sink() code runs I want the boolean to be set back to false.
How can I set myBoolean back to false only when the sink() code runs without cause endless calls to the sink()?
is declared like so:
@Published fileprivate var myBoolean:Bool = false
Using Custom type MyBool
and filter
operator you can get similar behaviour.
import Combine
class Abc: ObservableObject {
struct MyBool: Equatable {
let value: Bool
let isFromSinkCall: Bool
@Published var myBoolean: MyBool = .init(value: true, isFromSinkCall: false)
private var subscribers = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init() {
func setup() {
.debounce(for: 2, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.filter({ !$0.isFromSinkCall })
.sink { newValue in
self.myBoolean = .init(value: false, isFromSinkCall: true)
.store(in: &subscribers)