I am trying to limit the number of parameters defined by the user to the number of inputs first defined by the user in the first input line. nexon = input('Number of exons')
(i.e If the user inputs 2, I want the user to then input values for 2 parameters, ex1
and ex2
if they input 3, I want them to input values for 3 parameters,ex1
and so on.) After inputting the parameter values, I'd like to follow the mathematical summation shown below.
Here is the code. I am struggling with why python does not request inputs for ex1, ex2, and so on when it is in an if statement. Is there a way to optimize this using a for loop?
This code only considers the possibility of 4 inputs, ideally I would like it to be able to consider any number of inputs.
The mathematical formula I am trying to incorporate is this one
nexon = input('Number of exons:')
if nexon == 1:
ex1 = input("Exon 1 lenght:")
if nexon == 2:
ex1 = input("Exon 1 lenght:")
ex2 = input("Exon 2 lenght:")
if nexon == 3:
ex1 = input("Exon 1 lenght:")
ex2 = input("Exon 2 lenght:")
ex3 = input("Exon 3 lenght:")
if nexon == 4:
ex1 = input("Exon 1 lenght:")
ex2 = input("Exon 2 lenght:")
ex3 = input("Exon 3 lenght:")
ex4 = input("Exon 3 lenght:")
EL1 = int(ex1)
EL2 = int(ex2)
EL3 = int(ex3)
EL4 = int(ex4)
IP1 = (EL1%3)
IP2 = (EL1+EL2)%3
IP3 = (EL1+EL2+EL3)%3
IP4 = (EL1+EL2+EL3+EL4)%3
print('exon 1 phase IP1',IP1)
print('exon 2 phase IP2',IP2)
print('exon 3 phase IP3',IP3)
print('exon 3 phase IP4',IP4)```
You can use a loop to ask for user input repeteadly.
Regarding the modulo calculation, for efficiency you can use numpy:
nexon = int(input('Number of exons:'))
lengths = []
for i in range(nexon):
lengths.append(int(input(f"Exon {i+1} lenght:")))
import numpy as np
IPs = (np.array(lengths).cumsum()%3).tolist()
for i, ip in enumerate(IPs, start=1):
print(f'exon {i} phase IP{i} {ip}')
Number of exons:4
Exon 1 lenght:1
Exon 2 lenght:3
Exon 3 lenght:5
Exon 4 lenght:8
exon 1 phase IP1 1
exon 2 phase IP2 1
exon 3 phase IP3 0
exon 4 phase IP4 2
python only version:
nexon = int(input('Number of exons:'))
cum_lengths = []
v = 0
for i in range(nexon):
cum_lengths.append(v+int(input(f"Exon {i+1} lenght:")))
v = cum_lengths[-1]
IPs = [v%3 for v in cum_lengths]
for i, ip in enumerate(IPs, start=1):
print(f'exon {i} phase IP{i} {ip}')