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Error creating Trigger After Insert in Mysql

I'm stuck when creating my trigger in mysql (on phpmyadmin), and that's why I come to ask for your help

I have 2 tables : Assemblage and Bicyclette.

Tables Diagram:

Assemblage was built like this :

CREATE TABLE `Assemblage` (  
 `ID_Assemblage` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  
 `Nom_Assemblage` varchar(255) NOT NULL,  
 `Grandeur_Assemblage` enum('Dames','Hommes','Garçons','Filles','Adultes','Jeunes') NOT NULL,  
 `Cadre_Assemblage` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
 `Guidon_Assemblage` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
 `Freins_Assemblage` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,  
 `Selle_Assemblage` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
 `DerailleurAvant_Assemblage` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,  
 `DerailleurArriere_Assemblage` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,  
 `RoueAvant_Assemblage` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
 `RoueArriere_Assemblage` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
 `Reflecteurs_Assemblage` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,  
 `Pedalier_Assemblage` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  
 `Ordinateur_Assemblage` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,  
 `Panier_Assemblage` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,  
 PRIMARY KEY (`ID_Assemblage`)  

And here Bicyclette :

CREATE TABLE `Bicyclette` (  
 `ID_Bicyclette` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  
 `ID_Assemblage` int(11) NOT NULL,  
 `Prix_Bicyclette` float NOT NULL,  
 `Categorie_Bicyclette` enum('VTT','Vélo de course','Classique','BMX') NOT NULL,  
 `DateIntroduction_Bicyclette` date NOT NULL,  
 `DateFin_Bicyclette` date NOT NULL,  
`Nom_Bicyclette` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,    
 enum('Dames','Hommes','Garçons','Filles','Adultes','Jeunes') DEFAULT NULL,   
 PRIMARY KEY (`ID_Bicyclette`),  
 KEY `ID_Assemblage` (`ID_Assemblage`),  

Trigger Action :

I would like that when a new row is inserted into Bicyclette with as values :

  • the foreign key referring to a row of Assemblage
  • the values of the all the others attributes except 'Nom_Bicyclette' and 'Grandeur_Bicyclette' which will be null.

that a Trigger inserts 'Nom_Bicyclette' and 'Grandeur_Bicyclette' with the corresponding data from Assemblage thanks to the Foreign Key ID_Assemblage

Here is an example of inserting data into Bicyclette:

INSERT INTO Bicyclette VALUES (102, 547.8, "VTT", 01/01/2022, 01/01/2023)

Where 102 is the assembly model in the table Assemblage. So i would like my Trigger to perform this action (for this example):


@name = SELECT Nom_Assemblage FROM Assemblage WHERE ID_Assemblage = 102  
@size = SELECT Grandeur_Assemblage FROM Assemblage WHERE ID_Assemblage = 102  

UPDATE Bicyclette SET Nom_Bicyclette=@name, Grandeur_Bicyclette=@size 
WHERE ID_Bicyclette = INSERTED.ID_Bicyclette  

Here is a diagram to better visualize the desired effect : Schema for trigger

Thank you in advance for your help!

(It may seem special, but I have to have the fields 'Nom_Bicyclette' and 'Grandeur_Bicyclette' which correspond to the Foreign Key ID_Assemblage in my Bicyclette Table.)


  • create trigger Bicyclette_copy_attributes 
    before insert on Bicyclette
    for each row begin
      declare name varchar(255);
      declare size varchar(255);
      select Nom_Assemblage, Grandeur_Assemblage into name, size from Assemblage
      where ID_Assemblage = NEW.ID_Assemblage;
      set NEW.Nom_Bicyclette = name;
      set NEW.Grandeur_Bicyclette = size;

    In MySQL, there are differences in the syntax from other brands of SQL database:

    • DECLARE variables do not use the @ sigil.

    • Use a BEFORE trigger if you need to change columns in the inserted row. If you write an AFTER trigger, it is too late, because the row has already been inserted.

    • Change columns with SET NEW.<column>, not UPDATE. The NEW keyword references the row that is about to be inserted.

    • All statements in the body of the trigger need to be terminated with a semicolon (;).

    Also read if you are using the MySQL client to execute the create trigger, so you understand how to set the delimiter.