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Using @Schema annotation for Open Api v3

I'm trying to change Swagger2 to OpenApi3, first thing I made is changing annotations @ApiModel and @ApiModelProperty to @Schema. I use '' file because I need to keep my cyrillic symbols there. Here is my settings beans:

public OpenAPI customOpenAPI(BuildProperties buildProperties) {
    return new OpenAPI()
        .info(new Info()
        .description("Bundle Ws"));

public GroupedOpenApi bundleApi() {
    return buildGroupedOpenApi("Bundle", "/bundle/**");

public TranslationOperationCustomizer translationOperationCustomizer() {
    return new TranslationOperationCustomizer();

public TranslationSchemaCustomizer translationSchemaCustomizer() {
   return new TranslationSchemaCustomizer();

private GroupedOpenApi buildGroupedOpenApi(String group, String... pathsToMatch) {
    return GroupedOpenApi.builder().group(group)

public ResourceBundleMessageSource translator() {
    ResourceBundleMessageSource source = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
    return source;

public static class TranslationOperationCustomizer implements OperationCustomizer {

    protected MessageSource translator;

    public Operation customize(Operation operation, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) {
        operation.getResponses().values().forEach(apiResponse -> apiResponse.setDescription(translate(apiResponse.getDescription())));
        return operation;

    private String translate(String message) {
        return translator.getMessage(message, null, message, Locale.getDefault());

public static class TranslationSchemaCustomizer implements PropertyCustomizer {

    protected MessageSource translator;

    public Schema customize(Schema property, AnnotatedType type) {
        return property;

    private String translate(String message) {
        return translator.getMessage(message, null, message, Locale.getDefault());

Here is my class I want to be shown in the SwaggerUI:

@Schema(description = "ErrorResponse")
public class ErrorResponse {

    @Schema(description = "ErrorCode", required = true)
    private final Integer errorCode;

    @Schema(description = "ErrorMessage")
    private final String errorMessage;

ErrorResponse, ErrorCode, and ErrorMessage are params of my properties file:

ErrorResponse=Результат обработки запроса при неуспешном ответе
ErrorCode=Код ошибки
ErrorMessage=Сообщение об ошибке

But the fields can be read by Swagger, while the annotation on the class isn't read: enter image description here

How to make in shown the description of the class like the descriptions of the fields?


  • You have to use description = "${ErrorResponse}" (add $) and set springdoc.api-docs.resolve-schema-properties to true.
