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Why does my tic tac toe minimax algorithm not work?

Sorry to dump my code like this, but I've been pulling my hair out the last hours trying to figure out where my minimax algorithm in python is going wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated!

inf = 1000
bo = [["x", "o", "o"],
      [" ", "o", " "],
      [" ", "x", "x"]]    

def bestMove(board):
    bestScore = -inf
    bestMove = None
    for i in range(3):
       for j in range(3):
          if(board[i][j]==" "):
            score = minimax(board, searchdepth, True)
            board[i][j]=" "
            if score > bestScore:
                bestScore = score
                bestMove = [i, j]
return bestMove

searchdepth = 10
def minimax(node, depth, maxP):
    resultat = win(node)
    if resultat=="x": return 1
    if resultat=="o": return -1
    if resultat=="tie": return 0
    if depth == 0: return 0

if maxP==True:
    value = -inf
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if node[i][j] == " ":
                node[i][j] = getTurn(node)
                newval = minimax(node, depth - 1, False)
                node[i][j] = " "
                value = max(newval, value)
    return value
if maxP==False:
    value = inf
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if node[i][j] == " ":
                node[i][j] = getTurn(node)
                newval = minimax(node, depth - 1, True)
                node[i][j] = " "
                value = min(newval, value)
    return value

Output: [1, 0] Expected output: [2, 0]


  • You are always sending a 1 in case 'X' wins, this is not correct. This means that if it is O:s turn it will think it is good if X wins. The easiest way would be to give a different value depending on who's turn it is, that is give a score of 1 if YOURSELF win, -1 if OPPONENT wins and 0 if draw.