I'm trying to import my calculator created using spyder on pandas Jupyter but received the above error. Tried using else: but still getting the error.
Heres my spyder code.
import pandas as pd
def calc_convert(Unit,result):
if Unit == 'mg/g':
testr = result*0.100
elif Unit == 'g/day':
testr = result*100
elif Unit == 'g/g':
testr = result*0.100*1000
testr = result*1
return testr
here's my pandas jupyter code
lst_test = []
for index, row in test.iterrows():
test['converted'] = pd.Series(lst_test,index=test.index)
This is the traceback error from Jupyter pandas
UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-170-5dfe9296da1e> in <module>
1 lst_test = []
2 for index, row in test.iterrows():
----> 3 lst_test.append(calc_convert(row['Unit'], row['result']))
5 test['converted'] = pd.Series(lst_test, index=test.index)
17 elif Unit == 'g/g':
18 testr = result*0.100*1000
---> 19 else:
20 testr = result*1
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'testr' referenced before assignment
Restarting the Kernel worked. Thank you everyone for your inputs.