I have two scenes. A disorder scene that acts as a class and a disorders scene that initiates all the disorders.
extends Node2D
var disorder_name
var disorder_cause
var pulse
var O2
var respirations
var systolic
var diastolic
var temperature
var blood_sugar
func _init(disorder_name, cause, pulse = 0, O2 = 0, respirations = 0, systolic = 0, diastolic = 0, temperature = 0, blood_sugar = 0):
disorder_name = disorder_name
disorder_cause = cause
pulse = pulse
O2 = O2
respirations = respirations
systolic = systolic
diastolic = diastolic
temperature = temperature
blood_sugar = blood_sugar
extends Node2D
var disorder = preload("res://Scenes/Disorder.tscn")
func _ready():
var influenza = disorder.instance()
influenza._init(temperature = 5)
I get
error(7, 30): Unexpected assign.
I am not sure how to _init()
the Disorder
class in Disorders
to be able to assign only affected params based on the Disorder
temperature = 5
would add 5 degrees to the person's normal temperature
GDScript do not support named parameters.
Which means you cannot skip them.
If you really want to go for it, you could use a dictionary:
func _init(disorder_name, cause, params := {}):
self.disorder_name = disorder_name
self.disorder_cause = cause
pulse = params.get("pulse", 0)
O2 = params.get("O2", 0)
respirations = params.get("respirations", 0)
systolic = params.get("systolic", 0)
diastolic = params.get("diastolic", 0)
temperature = params.get("temperature", 0)
blood_sugar = params.get("blood_sugar", 0)
Which you would use like this:
var influenza = disorder.instance()
influenza._init("influenza", cause, {temperature = 5})
I don't know what you would put on cause
, but notice it was not optional.
However, given that your default values are zero, it is much simpler to just set them after _init
. So _init
can be:
func _init(disorder_name, cause):
self.disorder_name = disorder_name
self.disorder_cause = cause
And then:
var influenza = disorder.instance()
influenza._init("influenza", cause)
influenza.temperature = 5
You can, of course, set default values on the declarations, for example:
var pulse = 0
On a similar note, I want to point out that GDScript supports types. Use them.
This is a Variant:
var pulse
This is a Variant with value 0
var pulse = 0
This is a Variant with value 0
var pulse = 0.0
This is a float with value 0
var pulse:float = 0
This is an int with value 0
var pulse:int = 0
This is a float with value 0
(the default value):
var pulse:float
This is an int with value 0
(the default value):
var pulse:int
This is an int with value 0
(using type inference):
var pulse := 0
This is a float with value 0
(using type inference):
var pulse := 0.0