I have convert a canvas element into blob data with the canvas.toBlob()
function , into variable blob
Then I append it to the formdata
const formData = new FormData();
I use XMLHttpRequest to send the formData
to storeImage.php
var sendImage = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url ="https://192.168.x.x/storeImage.php";
sendImage.open("POST",url, true);
Inside storeImage.php
I have these lines of code to at least try to access the formData first
So that I can store it as file later on .
But result from var_dump
is as followed .
Warning: Undefined array key "my-file" in E:\xampp\htdocs\wasp_bee\storeImage.php on line 2
How can I at least access the posted formData in the php file , so I can finally proceed to save the blob data as file to the server (./img) using the file_put_contents
function ?
thanks in advance :)
Binary files are accessible by using the $_FILES
An associative array of items uploaded to the current script via the HTTP POST method. The structure of this array is outlined in the POST method uploads section.
The uploaded file can store at your address by using the move_uploaded_file
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['my-file']['tmp_name'], 'address to store file');
Checking file error, name, format, etc are very important please check them at the main reference.