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suddenly I get the error: Cannot find method setMimeType((class)) without any change

Suddenly my script get the error:

Cannot find method setMimeType((class)) (line xxx, file "Code")

It worked well for years, until this afternoon. I didn't modified it at all.

What I've done after:

  1. copied this code from google documentation:

    function doGet() {
      var feed =  UrlFetchApp.fetch('').getContentText();
      feed = feed.replace(
        '$1' + new Array(10).join('<br />') + '$2');
      return ContentService.createTextOutput(feed)
  2. pasted it into a new script

  3. given it the proper authorizations

  4. run it

It was ok.


  1. renamed the doGet() function into doGet1() in my broken script
  2. pasted the example doGet() function code
  3. run my script (doGet function)

I obtained the same error:

Cannot find method setMimeType((class)) (line xxx, file "Code")

What could have happened?


  • Trying to debug my script, a message informed me that my project uses an old Apps Script runtime, and that in order to execute debug I have to upgrade to Javascript V8 engine. After doing that, everything went back to normal. I attach a screenshot (from a different script, in Italian language).

    enter image description here