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MessageBox from secondary Form makes Main Form go to background/unfocus

I cannot get focus back to Main Form after closing Second Form.

When I do this: (From Main Form) "Form1Main":


From "Form2Output":

if (bNoWarnings = False) AND (Pos('-b',sExeOptions)=0)  then
  if Application.MessageBox(PChar('Execute command line?'+ #13#10#13#10 + P.CommandLine), 'Execute?', MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = IDNO then Exit;

It would appear Message Dialog 'steals' focus from main form (Form1Main goes to background when closing Form2Output). If I do not show the MessageDlg (conditions not met), the Main Form "refocuses" just fine when closing Form2Output. I am relatively new to Lazarus and any help would be great..


  • Put an Application.MainForm.BringToFront; in OnClose of the second form. This behaviour is not attributable to Object Pascal, it's a peculiarity of TApplication design of LCL.