I am trying to convert the below DB query to an eloquent relation.
$device_barcodes = ["BSC0337", "BSC0503", "BSC0626"];
$devices = DB::table('devices')
->leftjoin('devices_repairs', 'devices_repairs.device_id', '=', 'devices.device_id')
->whereIn('barcode', $device_barcodes)
So far I have the below, but I am struggling with the staff relation.
$devices = Devices::with('repairDetails')->whereIn('barcode', $device_barcodes)->get();
I've overcome this for now with the below, but this is not ideal.
foreach($devices as $device) {
$staff_name = Staff::find($device->repairDetails->repair_damaged_by);
$device->staff_name = $staff_name->staff_name;
I am hoping for something like:
$devices = Devices::with('repairDetails')->with('staffDetails')->whereIn('barcode', $device_barcodes)->get();
This way I can show the device details, the repair details and the staff name on my blade form.
So the basic issue is I am trying to relate three models together.
Devices is the top model, where I join with DevicesRepairs using the device_id primary and foreign keys. But for the Staff model I need to join devices_repairs.repair_damaged by to staff.staff_id.
Here are my models: Devices:
class Devices extends Model
* @var bool $timestamps Disable timestamps
public $timestamps = false;
* @var string $table Name of the db table
protected $table = 'devices';
* @var string $primaryKey Name of the primary key
protected $primaryKey = 'device_id';
* @var array $fillable The attributes that are mass assignable.
protected $fillable = [
use Searchable;
function repairDetails() {
return $this->hasOne(DevicesRepairs::class, 'device_id');
function repairHistoryDetails() {
return $this->hasOne(DevicesRepairsHistory::class, 'device_id');
class DevicesRepairs extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'devices_repairs';
protected $primaryKey = 'device_id';
public $timestamps = false;
protected $fillable = [
function device() {
return $this->hasOne(Devices::class, 'device_id');
//This doesn't work - seems to return a random staff member.
function staffDetails() {
return $this->hasOne(Staff::class,'staff_id','repair_damaged_by');
class Staff extends Model
use searchable;
* @var bool $timestamps Disable timestamps
public $timestamps = false;
* @var string $table Name of the db table
protected $table = 'staff';
* @var string $primaryKey Name of the primary key
protected $primaryKey = 'staff_id';
* @var array $fillable The attributes that are mass assignable.
protected $fillable = [
My ultimate aim is to be able to return fields like this in my view:
//The above work fine but not this:
treat at as a pivot table, a many to many relation between devices and staff
class Devices extends Model
public function damagedBy()
return $this->belongsToMany(Staff::class, 'devices_repairs', 'device_id', 'repair_damaged_by');
So the query will be like
$device_barcodes = ["BSC0337", "BSC0503", "BSC0626"];
$devices = Devices::with('damagedBy')->whereIn('barcode', $device_barcodes)->get();