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Flutter Dio Package: How to listen to download progress from another class?

I have a DownloadsService class that handles downloading of file using dio package. I want to listen to the download progress from my ViewModel class that implements the downloadFile method inside my DownloadService class. How do I do this?

Here's my code snippet for DownloadsService class:

class DownloadsService {
   final String urlOfFileToDownload = ''; //in my actual app, this is user input
   final String filename = 'dummyfile.jpg';
   final String dir = 'downloads/$filename'; //i'll have it saved inside internal storage downloads directory

   void downloadFile() {
     Dio dio = Dio();, '$dir/$filename', onReceiveProgress(received, total) {
        int percentage = ((received / total) * 100).floor(); //this is what I want to listen to from my ViewModel class

and this is my ViewModel class:

class ViewModel {
   DownloadsService _dlService = DownloadsService(); //note: I'm using get_it package for my services class to make a singleton instance. I just wrote it this way here for simplicity..

      void implementDownload() {

       if( { //so I can save the file in my internal storage

         now this is where I'm stuck.. My ViewModel class is connected to my View - which displays
         the progress of my download in a LinearProgressIndicator. I need to listen to the changes in
         percentage inside this class.. Note: my View class has no access to DownloadsService class. 


The Dio documentation provides an example on how to make the response type into a stream/byte.. But it doesn't give any example on how to do it when downloading a file. Can someone point me to a right direction? I'm really stuck at the moment.. Thank you very much!


  • I had exactly this issue

    I solved issue with dependency injection from my model

    actually I defined progress field(double) into my model for listening to download percent and also defined an object from my model into GetX controller(u can use any dependency injection like getIt, ...) so with live data mechanism , this issue will solve so easily