I have a html file with the following content:
<object data="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/America_Online_logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
As you can check, you can open it with chrome and print it. But if I use Chromium.Print method, it print empty pages.
Note that this is only a sample. All SVG images had the same problem.
I use Delphi 10.3.2 and CEF4Delphi.
Can any one guide me?
This is very likely caused by the CEF issue #3297 and the workaround described in that report works.
Add this code line before the GlobalCEFApp.StartMainProcess call :
GlobalCEFApp.DisableSiteIsolationTrials := True;
I tested this workaround with the latest CEF4Delphi version which uses CEF 100.0.14 and the MiniBrowser demo. Your sample HTML is printed correctly with TChromiumCore.Print and TChromiumCore.PrintToPdf.