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Using while let with two variables simultaneously

I'm learning Rust and have been going through leetcode problems. One of them includes merging two linked lists, whose nodes are optional. I want to write a while loop that would go on until at least 1 node becomes None, and I was trying to use the while let loop for that.

However, it looks like the while let syntax supports only one optional, e.g.:

while let Some(n) = node {
   // do stuff

but I can't write

while let Some(n1) = node1 && Some(n2) = node2 {

Am I misunderstanding the syntax? I know I can rewrite it with a while true loop, but is there a more elegant way of doing it?

Also, can one do multiple checks with if let? Like if let None=node1 && None=node2 {return}


  • You can pattern match with Option::zip:

    while let Some((n1, n2)) = {