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"The value is not a function and cannot be applied." error in F#

I was trying to run the following FParsec code, until by some reason it stopped working:

enter image description here

The error I am getting is

"The value is not a function and cannot be applied."

If I comment out the last line of code (test ns "..") it will not yield an error, though. Any thoughts on how to solve this?

The source code in text form is the following:

open System
open FParsec

let test p str =
    match run p str with
    | Success(result, _, _)   -> printfn "Success: %A" result
    | Failure(errorMsg, _, _) -> printfn "Failure: %s" errorMsg

type Namespace = { Name : string; Classes : string list; }

let classes : Parser<string list, unit> = 
  many (spaces >>. many1Satisfy isLetter .>> spaces)

let ns =
    (spaces >>. skipString "namespace" >>. spaces >>. many1Satisfy isLetter)
    (spaces >>. skipString "{" >>. classes .>> skipString "}")
    (fun name classes -> { Name = name; Classes = classes } )

test ns "namespace abc { def ghi }"


  • Noone could have guessed the answer here. The problem lied with other thing that I had decided to exclude from the post: the very header of my file:

        #r @"C:\Users\xyz\Desktop\fparsec-main-default\Build\VS10\bin\Debug\FParsecCS.dll";
        #r @"C:\Users\xyz\Desktop\fparsec-main-default\Build\VS10\bin\Debug\FParsec.dll";

    Replacing the ; by ;; will make all errors disappear:

        #r @"C:\Users\xyz\Desktop\fparsec-main-default\Build\VS10\bin\Debug\FParsecCS.dll";;
        #r @"C:\Users\xyz\Desktop\fparsec-main-default\Build\VS10\bin\Debug\FParsec.dll";;