For example:
Maybe (Maybe Bool) -> Maybe Bool
Just (Just True) -----> Just True
Just (Just False) ----> Just False
Just (Nothing) -------> Nothing
Nothing --------------> ?
It would map Nothing
to Nothing
. What is the mathematical theory or theorem underlying it?
If related to category theory, what part is it related to?
Is there a mathematical theory related to the Behavior of join of State, Writer, Reader, etc?
Is there any guarantee that m(m a) -> m a
is safe?
Since result type a
of m a -> a
forgets the structure. so instead in order not to forget, result type m a
of m (m a) -> m a
is used for the compound effect of outer - m (...)
with effect of inner - m
Strictly speaking, two information(effect) was compounded into one only before the structure disappeared. The structure no longer exists.
I thought it was important to guarantee that there was no problem in doing so. Is it up to the programmer without any special rules or theory?
The compound doesn't look natural to me, it looks artificial.
Sorry for the vague question, thanks for all the comments.
I'm going to assume you're familiar with Functors in Haskell. If not I'm tempted to direct you to my explanation on this other question here. I'm not going to explain category theory to you except by translating it into Haskell as best I can.
Identity functor vs Identity
Note: Firstly let me point out that the identity functor in mathematics does nothing, whereas the Identity
functor in Haskell adds a newtype wrapper. Whenever we use the mathematical identity functor on a type a
we should just get a
back, so I won't be using the Identity
functor instance.
Natural transformations
Secondly, note that a natural transformation between two functors (either possibly the identity), in Haskell is a polymorphic function e
between two types made by (possibly mathematical identity) Functor instances, for example [a] -> Maybe a
or (Int,a) -> Either String a
such that e . fmap f
== fmap f . e
So safeLast : [a] -> Maybe a
is a natural transformation, because safeLast (map f xs)
== fmap f (safeLast xs)
, and even
rejectSomeSmallNumbers :: (Int,a) -> Either String a
rejectSomeSmallNumbers (i,a) = case i of
0 -> Left "Way too small!"
1 -> Left "Too small!"
2 -> Left "Two is small."
3 -> Left "Three is small, too."
_ -> Right a
is a natural transformation because rejectSomeSmallNumbers . fmap f
== fmap f . rejectSomeSmallNumbers :: (Int,a) -> Either String b
A natural transformation can use as much information as it likes about the two functors it connects (eg (,) Int
and Either String
) but it can't use any information about the type a
any more than the functors can. It shouldn't be possible to write a polymorphic function between two valid functor types that's not a natural transformation. See this answer for more information.
Let H be a category (let Hask be the kind of all haskell types together with function types, functions, etc etc).
A monad on H is (a monad in Hask is)
M : H -> H
m: * -> *
which has a Functor instance with fmap :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)
eta : 1_H -> M
a -> m a
, called pure
defined in the Applicative
instancemu : M^2 -> M
m (m a) -> m a
, called join
that is defined in Control.Monad
such that the following two rules hold:
mu . M mu == mu . mu M
as natural transformations M^3 -> M
join . fmap join
== join . join
:: m (m (m a)) -> m a
mu . M eta
== mu . eta M
== 1_H
as natural transformations M -> M
join . fmap pure
== join . pure
== id
:: m a -> m a
What do these two rules mean?
Just to give you a handle on what these two conditions are saying, here they are when we're using lists:
(join . fmap join) [xss, yss, zss]
== join [join xss, join yss, join zss]
== join (join [xss, yss, zss])
join (fmap pure xs)
== join [[x] | x <- xs]
== xs
== id xs
== join [xs]
== join (pure xs)
(Fun fact, join
isn't part of the monad definition. I have a perhaps unreliable memory that it used to be, but in Control.Monad
it's defined as join x = x >>= id
and as commented there, it could be defined as join bss = do { bs <- bss ; bs }
monad in your example?Well firstly, because join
is polymorphic (mu
is a natural transformation), it can't use any information about the type a
in Maybe a
, so we couldn't for example make it so that join (Just (Just False)) = Just True
or join (Just Nothing) = Just False
because we can only use values that are already in the Maybe a
we're given:
join :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
join Nothing = Nothing -- can't provide Just a because we have no a
join (Just Nothing) = Nothing -- same reason
join (Just (Just a)) =
-- two choices: we could do the obviously correct `Just a` or collapse everything with `Nothing`.
pure :: a -> Maybe a
pure a =
-- two choices: we could do the obviously correct `Just a` or collapse everything with `Nothing`.
What stops us doing the crazy Nothing
Let's look at the two rules, specialising to Maybe
, and to the Just
branches, because all the Nothing
s are inevitably Nothing
because of polymorphism.
(join . fmap join) (Just maybemaybe)
== join (Just (join maybemaybe))
== join (join (Just maybemaybe)) -- required by he rule
That one works if we put Just a
in the definition, or if we put Nothing
, too.
In the second rule:
join (fmap pure (Just a))
== join (Just (pure a))
== join (pure (Just a))
== id (Just a) -- by the rule
== Just a
Well that forces pure
to be Just
, and at the same time forces join (Just (Just a))
to give us Just a
Let's ditch the newtype wrapping to make the laws easier to talk about.
type Reader input a = input -> a
We'd need
join :: Reader input (Reader input a) -> Reader input a
join (make_an_a_maker :: (input -> (input -> a)) :: input -> a
join make_an_a_maker input = (make_an_a_maker input) input
There isn't anything else we can do without using undefined
or similar.
functions?Most of the time, the fact that you're making a polymorphic function, some of the time because you want to do the obviously correct thing and it works, and the rest of the time because you chose to follow the rules.
I prefer to think of Monads as type constructors m
so that Kleisli
composition is associative, with the unit being pure
(>=>) :: (a -> m b)
-> ( b -> m c)
-> (a -> m c)
(first >=> second) a = do
b <- first a
c <- second b
return c
or if you prefer
(first >=> second) a =
first a >>= \b -> second b
so the laws are
(one >=> two) >=> three
== one >=> (two >=> three)
andk >=> pure
== pure >=> k
== k