Within Google Apps Scripts, I'm attempting to display the parameters being sent to my simple doGet function shown below:
function doGet(e) {
let response = e;
return ContentService
I attempt to throw in parameters to view them within Postman and no matter what I do, the output is empty.
"contentLength": -1,
"parameter": {},
"parameters": {},
"queryString": "",
"contextPath": ""
My goal is this: How to get anything to show up in the parameters object?
Within Postman I am manually adding parameters and I replicated the same within my google browser. But it continues to be an empty object being returned.
What am I missing?
The parameter and parameters properties are empty objects because the URL used to do the HTTP GET call doesn't include a query string
Instead of using
https://... /exec
use something like
https://... /exec?givenName=John&surname=Doe
The parameter property is {givenName:'John',surname:'Doe'}
The parameters property is {givenName:['John'],surname:['Doe']}