I have a legacy application connected to cloud d365 that uses:
XrmServiceContext : Microsoft.Xrm.Client.CrmOrganizationServiceContext
from Microsoft.Xrm.Client namespace. It was downloaded from there back then. The connetion string looks like this:
is the code affected by WS-Trust deprecation announced by MSFT?
Yes, definitely. You should switch to the following pattern:
targetString = string.Format("AuthType=OAuth;Username={0}; Password={1};Url={2};AppId=51f81489-12ee-4a9e-aaae-a2591f45987d; RedirectUri=app://58145B91-0C36-4500-8554-080854F2AC97;LoginPrompt=Disabled;RequireNewInstance=true", CRMUsername, CRMPassword, CRMAddress);
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
Note that those are the "default" AppId and RedirectURI and that in production environments you should register your app and use production values.