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Is there a way to make a macro replace things in strings?

This macro should be able to replace entries in a string via an argument. For example, this would work:

let string = "Hello, world!";
replace_macro!(string, "world", "Rust"); // Hello, Rust!

I'm not sure how to do this, as all my previous attempts of just writing a regular function and calling that don't work inside macros. If possible, I'd like to be using macro_rules as opposed to a proc macro.


  • It is not possible. Macros cannot inspect and/or change the value of variables.

    It is possible if the literal is embedded in the call (replace_macro!("Hello, world!", "world", "Rust");) but requires a proc-macro: macro_rules! macros cannot inspect and/or change literals.

    It's a rather simple with a proc macro:

    use quote::ToTokens;
    use syn::parse::Parser;
    use syn::spanned::Spanned;
    type Args = syn::punctuated::Punctuated<syn::LitStr, syn::Token![,]>;
    pub fn replace_macro(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
        let input_span = input.span();
        let args = match Args::parse_terminated.parse(input) {
            Ok(args) => Vec::from_iter(args),
            Err(err) => return err.into_compile_error().into(),
        let (original, text, replacement) = match args.as_slice() {
            [original, text, replacement] => (original.value(), text.value(), replacement.value()),
            _ => {
                return syn::Error::new(
                    r#"expected `"<original>", "<text>", "<replacement>"`"#,
            .replace(&text, &replacement)

    It parses a list of three string literals, punctated by commas, then calls str::replace() to do the real work.