Search code examples

rowwise apply rvest html_nodes() and store in a new column the output

I have some urls that I would like to scrape. I end up with 3 data frames (for example):

# A tibble: 255 × 7
   id                   class                                                                                                                            tabindex role  `aria-controls` style `data-testid`
   <chr>                <chr>                                                                                                                            <chr>    <chr> <chr>           <chr> <chr>        
 1 App                  NA                                                                                                                               NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 2 NA                   re-AdTop1Container                                                                                                               NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 3 NA                   re-AdTop1Container-block                                                                                                         NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 4 NA                   re-AdvertisingDominanceCrossdevice-x65                                                                                           NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 5 PubX65Detail_wrapper adit-XandrBanner adit-XandrBanner--notAvailable                                                                                  NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 6 PubX65Detail         NA                                                                                                                               NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 7 NA                   re-AdvertisingDominanceCrossdevice-top1                                                                                          NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 8 PubTop1_wrapper      adit-XandrBanner adit-XandrBanner--notAvailable                                                                                  NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
 9 PubTop1              NA                                                                                                                               NA       NA    NA              NA    NA           
10 NA                   react-MoleculeDrawer-content react-MoleculeDrawer-content--placement-left react-MoleculeDrawer-content--size-auto react-Molecul… NA       NA    NA              NA    NA

I want to go over each row in the class column and store in a new column the collected data.

i.e. I can manually collect the data using:

html3 %>% 

but I would like to preserve the "structure" of the rvest collected data. I want to create a new column and keep all the saved html_nodes() using the classes in the column class.


url1 = ""
url2 = ""
url3 = ""

##### process url 1 #####
html1 = url1 %>% 

classAttrs_1 = html1 %>% 
  html_nodes('div') %>% 
  html_attrs() %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 


##### process url 2 #####
html2 = url2 %>% 

classAttrs_2 = html2 %>% 
  html_nodes('div') %>% 
  html_attrs() %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 


##### process url 3 #####
html3 = url3 %>% 

classAttrs_3 = html3 %>% 
  html_nodes('div') %>% 
  html_attrs() %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 


The lengths of each of the collected URLS can change, i.e.

> length(unique(classAttrs_1$class))
[1] 113
> length(unique(classAttrs_2$class))
[1] 114
> length(unique(classAttrs_3$class))
[1] 115

So I thought about treating each of the data frame individually.


  • We may use rowwise, check if the value in 'class' is non NA, apply the code and create a list column (else return NA)

    classAttrs_3_new <- classAttrs_3 %>%  
       rowwise %>%
       mutate(new = list(if( NA else html3 %>%
       html_nodes(str_c(".", class)))) %>% 


    > head(classAttrs_3_new$new)
    [1] NA
    {xml_nodeset (1)}
    [1] <div class="re-AdTop1Container"><div class="re-AdTop1Container-block">\n<div class="re-AdvertisingDominanceCrossdevice-x65"><div id="PubX65Detail_wrapper" class="adit-XandrB ...
    {xml_nodeset (1)}
    [1] <div class="re-AdTop1Container-block">\n<div class="re-AdvertisingDominanceCrossdevice-x65"><div id="PubX65Detail_wrapper" class="adit-XandrBanner adit-XandrBanner--notAvail ...
    {xml_nodeset (1)}
    [1] <div class="re-AdvertisingDominanceCrossdevice-x65"><div id="PubX65Detail_wrapper" class="adit-XandrBanner adit-XandrBanner--notAvailable"><div id="PubX65Detail"></div></div ...
    {xml_nodeset (0)}
    [1] NA

    Or another option is map

    pfun_node <- possibly(function(html_obj, node_val ) 
          html_obj %>% html_nodes(node_val), otherwise = NA)
    classAttrs_3$new <- map(str_c(".", classAttrs_3$class), ~ pfun_node(html3, .x))