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Error: "Required value 'networkOffers' missing at $" For Android

I keep getting this Error call enter image description here

Yet I'm not sure where to look to fix it. I have a raw JSON file in my Res Folder under the directory "Raw" enter image description here

The Error is coming at my Repository

class C51Repository {

    private val moshi = Moshi.Builder().add(KotlinJsonAdapterFactory()).build()

    suspend fun getAllOffers(context: Context): List<Offer> {

        val json = context.resources.openRawResource(R.raw.c51).bufferedReader().use {

        val offerList = moshi.adapter( //<- RIGHT HERE
        return offerList!! {
                cash_back = it.cash_back,
                image_url = it.image_url,
                name =,
                offer_id = it.offer_id


Here's the JSON file enter image description here

Any Help is appreciated, Thanks.

P.S. I read that it could be a Moshi bug, but I don't know how to go about fixing the bug.


  • It was the naming of the variables. I had name some variables different than the one called in the raw files. MAKE SURE YOU GET THOSE VARIABLE NAMES CORRECTLY