I have a problem with NSImages leaking memory when I draw to them with lock/unlockfocus. The leak goes away when I comment out the LEAKS HERE code below. So I know that is where the leak is happening.
for(int i= 0; i < nNumberImages; ++i)
m_apNSImageArray[i]= [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:m_viewRect.size];
[m_apNSImageArray[i] lockFocus];
//EDIT: Commented the lines below out, but leak persists.
//[[[[NSApp delegate] getColors] getAudioWaveColor:YES] setStroke];
//[[m_pmaBezierPaths objectAtIndex:i] stroke];
[m_apNSImageArray[i] unlockFocus];
I'm using garbage collection, and this for-loop is part of an NSOperation running in an NSOperationQueue in OSX 10.7 Lion.
Is this a bug with NSImage's lockfocus on background threads/operations?
EDIT: It appears that lockFocus is allocating new space each time its called.
Well I still am not totally sure how to stop the leak completely, but I drastically reduced the number of times I lockFocus/unlockFocus. This essentially solved my problem.