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Doxygen - Create custom command

I think my question is basically the same as this one, but it didn't get a good answer: Create new custom command that will add to a section in Doxygen

I pretty much want to do the same thing, I think. I want to completely duplicate the exact functionality of the @param option, except to give it the heading "Options" instead of "Parameters". I want the arguments to be the same (data type, variable name, and description) and want them to look all the same and everything. Literally, the only thing I need different is the heading.

I also tried doing this:

ALIASES = option"\par Options:\n"

in my Doxyfile, but I also get each individual option in its own section instead of all of them being in the same section. They also don't have the same arguments as the @param option.

I also tried to do something with \xrefitem which, of course, didn't work. I tried this:

ALIASES = option="\xrefitem param \"Option\" \"Options\" "

but it looks like \xrefitem is used for creating something more like a compiled list from different sections, like the Todo list.

Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Just to clarify, the output I'm looking for would look something like this:

    string    $option1  This is option 1.
    string    $option2  This is option 2.


  • The closest I was able to come up with was to use this:

    @par Options:
    @li @e string @b $option1 This is option 1.
    @li @e string @b $option2 This is option 2.

    This almost works decently, except that it doesn't line up each part nicely, like it does with @param. So if the first option's name is something like $option1 and the second option's name is $thisIsTheSecondOption, the beginning of the descriptions will not be lined up. It looks more like:

        string  $option1 This is option 1.
        int  $thisIsTheSecondOption This is option 2.

    Which makes it more difficult to read.
