I am aware of some potential solutions, but they all feel awful to me.
Each of these has various things I dislike.
php artisan migrate
(nothing to migrate), so that it catches deploys with migrations. The benefit is that with onOneServer(), it should actually solve the concern: we don't want multiple instances to all try to migrate the database on a deploy, just one. This has a big benefit of linking the deploy and migrations, so if deploy fails, there is no migration yet, and if the migration fails, at least it is easier to rollback the task to the older task version quite easily. Less moving parts are involved. The resource overhead of spamming php artisan migrate
each minute and it have nothing to rollback, should be very small/not noticeable resource usage. But, it still bothers me very much how inefficient it is resource-wise.Is there another solution out there? I am anticipating someone may suggest to me to control instances with env variables, but I also don't want to do that. If we deploy and have 3 instances running, they should all be updated and they are all 'the same' instance states. Otherwise, I'd have to make a 2nd service that also runs 24/7 to check for migrations as its own special job. I guess that is solution 5:
I think solution 3 is my preferred solution, despite its resource overhead. I would love to hear some insight from others on this problem. I am in a situation where this pipeline really should be easy for non-ops-people to deal with if I get hit by a bus. Keeping it simple inside of the laravel app code seems like it fits that requirement. I know there are scheduled task / cloudformation event solutions, but keep in mind I have a big goal of as little entropy / moving parts as possible, within reason
I have read every single blog post and every single google hit I can find on this subject, and have not found a clear obvious answer. I've come up with solution 3 myself and don't see it suggested anywhere.
Possibly automated DB migrations in all circumstances is too ambitious, and a manual process should be developed and followed. Especially if a DB migration contains a change which won't work on the old instances -- migrating it before deploy would break those temporarily.
Running database migrations before deployment (option 1) is the industry standard & what you should be doing, regardless of your cloud platform, database engine or application language.
The short and long answer is that DB migrations are there for fault tolerance - if for whatever reason you need to reverse your deployment, you know exactly what has happened to be able to roll back.
Most (if not all) ORMs e.g. Entity Framework for .NET or Liquibase for Java allow you to roll back the migration with a simple command. The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel for PHP also allows you to roll back migrations using php artisan migrate:rollback
A step in your pipelines before deployment should apply the database migrations. If deployment then fails for any reason, you should manually roll back.
This is the intersection of your application & the database at an infrastructure level - unfortunately, expect some manual work to be needed if something fails.