I'm trying to make a treemap with squarify with some squares much bigger than the others.
title | counts | labels |
A | 100 | A - 100 |
B | 30 | B - 30 |
C | 25 | C - 25 |
D | 2 | D - 2 |
E | 2 | E - 2 |
F | 2 | F - 2 |
G | 2 | G - 2 |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize = (12,12))
ax = squarify.plot(sizes=df['counts'],
Is there a way to make the font size of A as big as its square size, font B smaller than A, font C a bit smaller than B, and the rest very small?
I found a parameter:
But it doesn't allow me to insert a list of sizes.
Maybe here can give you some hints to solve your problem.
Recently I have created a matplotlib-extra project, which includes some extra functions to matplotlib. Currently it has a treemap
and an AutoFitText
class. The treemap
supports the hierarchical treemap.
For your case, it will be simple:
import mpl_extra.treemap as tr
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame({'title':list('ABCDEFG'),
'counts':[100, 30, 25, 2, 2, 2, 2]})
df['labels'] = [f'{a} - {b}' for a,b in zip(df['title'], df['counts'])]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7), dpi=100, subplot_kw=dict(aspect=1.156))
tr.treemap(ax, df, area='counts', labels='labels',
cmap='Set2', fill='title',
It gives the following treemap: