In R, I'm creating two separate confusion matrices and would like to write the results of each to a data frame. Here is the setup:
lvs_1 <- c("normal", "abnormal")
truth_1 <- factor(rep(lvs_1, times = c(86, 258)),
levels = rev(lvs_1))
pred_1 <- factor(
rep(lvs_1, times = c(54, 32)),
rep(lvs_1, times = c(27, 231))),
levels = rev(lvs_1))
xtab_1 <- table(pred_1, truth_1)
Now, I create the confusion matrix:
foo <- confusionMatrix(xtab_1)
I would like to save the results for Accuracy, Specificity, and Sensitivity stored in foo
to a data frame df
would look as follows:
Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity
matrix_1 0.8284884 0.627907 0.8953488
Next, I create another confusion matrix. The setup:
lvs_2 <- c("normal", "abnormal")
truth_2 <- factor(rep(lvs_2, times = c(75, 269)),
levels = rev(lvs_2))
pred_2 <- factor(
rep(lvs_2, times = c(44, 42)),
rep(lvs_2, times = c(37, 221))),
levels = rev(lvs_2))
xtab_2 <- table(pred_2, truth_2)
The confusion matrix is:
bar <- confusionMatrix(xtab_2)
I would like to be able to write the results of bar
to df
bar$overall[['Accuracy']] #0.8023256
bar$byClass[['Specificity']] #0.5866667
bar$byClass[['Sensitivity']] #0.8624535
The final df
would look as follows:
Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity
matrix_1 0.8284884 0.627907 0.8953488
matrix_2 0.8023256 0.5866667 0.8624535
What is the best way to do this?
This should do it:
Accuracy <- c(foo$overall[['Accuracy']] , bar$overall[['Accuracy']])
Specificity <- c(foo$overall[['Specificity']] , bar$overall[['Specificity']])
Sensitivity <- c(foo$overall[['Sensitvity']] , bar$overall[['Sensitvity']])
df <- data.frame(Accuracy, Specificity, Sensitivity)
Or create separate df's for each matrix and use rbind
to combine them.