I've browsed extensively online but could so far not find an appropriate answer for my question in this specific case.
I'm looking to partly re-structure a panel data set from long to wide format, but only for specific values that are specified by their respective names/characters in rows in R.
Consider this original format:
246 CPI Panama 1960 0.05
247 CPI Peru 1960 0.05
248 CPI XXXXXX 1960 0.05
249 CPI Panama 1961 0.06
250 CPI Peru 1961 0.06
251 CPI XXXXXX 1961 0.06
252 % Gross savings Panama 1960 5
253 % Gross savings Peru 1960 6
254 % Gross savings XXXXXX 1960 7
255 % Gross savings Panama 1961 20
256 % Gross savings Peru 1961 21
257 % Gross savings XXXXXX 1961 22
(And so on for different countries, different indicators in the "SERIES" column, during 1960-2020 for each country and indicator.)
I'm looking to keep "ECONOMY" as its own column specifying the country as originally seen, keep the year as a column as well, but move each separate indicator under SERIES (e.g. CPI / % Gross savings) into their own columns like this:
1 Panama 1960 0.05 5
2 Peru 1960 0.05 6
3 XXXXXX 1960 0.05 7
4 Panama 1961 0.06 20
5 Peru 1961 0.06 21
6 XXXXXX 1961 0.06 22
Any ideas? Grateful for answers.
reshape2::dcast(ECONOMY + YEAR ~ SERIES, data = zz)
# Using Value as value column: use value.var to override.
# ECONOMY YEAR %_Gross_savings CPI
# 1 Panama 1960 5 0.05
# 2 Panama 1961 20 0.06
# 3 Peru 1960 6 0.05
# 4 Peru 1961 21 0.06
# 5 XXXXXX 1960 7 0.05
# 6 XXXXXX 1961 22 0.06
zz <- structure(list(SERIES = c("CPI", "CPI", "CPI", "CPI", "CPI", "CPI", "%_Gross_savings", "%_Gross_savings", "%_Gross_savings", "%_Gross_savings", "%_Gross_savings", "%_Gross_savings"), ECONOMY = c("Panama", "Peru", "XXXXXX", "Panama", "Peru", "XXXXXX", "Panama", "Peru", "XXXXXX", "Panama", "Peru", "XXXXXX"), YEAR = c(1960L, 1960L, 1960L, 1961L, 1961L, 1961L, 1960L, 1960L, 1960L, 1961L, 1961L, 1961L), Value = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("246", "247", "248", "249", "250", "251", "252", "253", "254", "255", "256", "257"))