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How to increase the height of a BottomSheetDialog to follow a vertical translation

I'm trying to move views vertically in a BottoSheetDialog, but I'm getting an unexpected behavior.

My BottomSheet looks like this

Before Translation

I'm moving my constraint Layout with myLayout.animate().translationY(-100f).setStartDelay(0).start()

That's the BottomSheet after the translation:

After Transition

How can I increase the size of the BottomSheet dynamically to follow the translation?


  • I found an alternative solution to solve this problem. I just added a empty view with 1dp height at the Bottom of my layout. I'm increasing it's size like this

    val anim = ValueAnimator.ofInt(AnimationView.measuredHeight, 100)
         valueAnimator ->
         val value = valueAnimator.animatedValue as Int
         val layoutParams: ViewGroup.LayoutParams = AnimationView.layoutParams
         layoutParams.height = value
         AnimationView.layoutParams = layoutParams
     anim.duration = 500