I have a parent-child relation like below:
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
authId String @unique @default("N/A") @map("auth_id") @db.VarChar(128)
email String @unique @db.VarChar(256)
firstName String @map("first_name") @db.VarChar(64)
lastName String @map("last_name") @db.VarChar(64)
profile Profile?
model Profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
dob String @db.VarChar(32)
weightLbs Float @map("weight_lbs")
heightIn Int @map("height_in") @db.SmallInt
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
userId Int @unique @map("user_id")
gender Gender @relation(fields: [genderId], references: [id])
genderId Int @map("gender_id")
lifeStyle LifeStyle? @relation(fields: [lifeStyleId], @map("life_style_id")
medicalConditions MedicalCondition[]
model Gender {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
text String
Profile Profile[]
model MedicalCondition {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
text String
Profiles Profile[]
I'm wondering is it possible to update User
and upsert Profile
together like below?
const updateWithProfile = (where: IUserUniqueInput, data: IUserUpdate, medicalConditions?: IMedicalConditionWhereUniqueInput[]): Promise<IUser> => {
return user.update({
profile: {
Here is my working solution for upsert one-to-one and many-to-many relations:
const update = async (
data: IProfileUpdate,
medicalConditions?: IMedicalConditionWhereUniqueInput[]
): Promise<IProfile> => {
return profile.upsert({
where: {
userId: data.userId,
update: {
// set removes previous values in mapping table and connect inserts new IDs
medicalConditions: { set: [], connect: medicalConditions }
create: {
medicalConditions: { connect: medicalConditions }