There are other questions on the topic but the solutions there don't work for me. I guess is a small detail on the syntax since it changes a bit from version to version..
I created a SignalR hub on a blazor hosted WASM, and I want to be able to send messages from my GameController and not only from the hub itself.
My GameHub inherits from Hub, and I to get a hub context to send a message. The nI guet the no valid conversion from GameHub to IHub.
I tried to implement IHub insted of inheriting from Hub but then it ask to implement other methods I have no clue about and I've never seen in other tutorials..
Here's a picture with the error message and the GameHub declaration:
I use IHubContext<...> like this:
public ChatService(IHubContext<ChatHub> chatHub, IStorageService storageService)
this.chatHub = chatHub;
this.storageService = storageService;
This service is provided for injection as well.