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Why inserting `format` function inside a `dolist` expression does not work in Common Lisp?

I am using SBCL, Eamcs, and Slime. Using the print function, I can do:

CL-USER> (dolist (item '(1 2 3))
           (print item))

In addition, format function works for single elements:

CL-USER> (format nil "~a" 1)

Why the following insertion of format function inside dolist does not work?

CL-USER> (dolist (item '(1 2 3))
           (format nil "~a" item))

I was expecting to see all elements of the list processed by the format function.



  • The answer to this is that the first argument to format denotes a destination for the formatted output. It may be one of four things:

    • a stream, to which output goes;
    • t which denotes the value of the *standard-output* stream;
    • nil which causes format to return the formatted output rather than print it;
    • or a string with a fill pointer, which will append the output to the string at the fill pointer.

    So (format nil ...) does not print anything: it returns something.