I'm maintaining a semi-large web site for my company (a couple hundred pages). This is a static site, with tons of HTML written (i.e., copied & pasted) by hand and binary assets scattered all over the place. These assets include product images, simulation videos, tutorial videos, firmware files, manuals, etc. which change only rarely. Ideally, they would all be stored in one or a few systems where they could be systematically searched and retrieved. Alas, our world isn't ideal and this is not the case. That's why the previous developer put copies of all these files in the site's file structure along with the code. His workflow was to have a copy of the entire site on his PC to make and test changes, then upload them to the web server over FTP. There was no version control.
When I took over, I wanted to introduce version control, so I put the entire thing in a git repository hosted on Azure DevOps. I made use of LFS for most binary files. The entire repository is now about 10 GB in size (including the LFS objects). There is a deployment pipeline which just clones the repo and uploads the entire thing via FTP.
Recently, my company introduced an on premises GitLab installation and I talked to them about migrating the repository there. However, they don't support LFS for now and insist that my workflow is not the way git is meant to be used. Leaving aside the fact that I find their reasoning to be too dogmatic (Large binaries aren't supposed to be in git, LFS notwithstanding. If they are, you're doing it wrong.), I don't dispute that my workflow leaves a lot of room for improvement.
They're suggesting to put all of the binary assets in an external storage solution (e.g., Sharepoint) and have a deployment job in GitLab pull them when preparing a new of the web site.
This brings me to my actual question. Given these circumstances:
Would it be an improvement to follow the GitLab admin's advice? Would you foresee any benefits to me as the site maintainer? If binary assets are no longer part of the repository, is there a way to keep track of asset versions as they relate to repository history?
I'm hoping this question is concrete enough not be a simple matter of opinion.
They're suggesting to put all of the binary assets in an external storage solution (e.g., Sharepoint) and have a deployment job in GitLab pull them when preparing a new of the web site.
Actually, the usual solution is to put them in an artifact referential, made to store binaries. (Nexus or Artifactory)
What you are versioning is a pom.xml
(for instance) declaring what version of your static asset binaries you need.
The deployment becomes:
git restore
from a bare repository (quick, because less files, smaller)